Effects of Cell Phone Radiation

23/04/2013 15:34

Radiation can be defined as energy that is transmitted in the form of rays, waves or particles. Human body is exposed to various types of radiation. Some are harmful to our body, whereas others are not. Electromagnetic radiation is emitted by JXD S18 for the purpose of communication.

Effects of Cell Phone Radiation on Human Body

The amount of emissions made by cell phones is quite minimal. Our body is exposed to cell phone radiation while making or receiving calls. The radio waves given out by the mobile handsets are absorbed by the human body. This type of radiation has a mild heating effect on the living tissues in the body. It is likely that this rise in temperature does not cause any damage to the cells, per se.

However, there are indications that cell phone radiation can cause a few changes in the functioning of cells. These changes are mostly temporary in nature. The functions that get affected by radiation include activation of proteins, communication between the body cells, genetic functions etc. Though the exact reasons behind these changes have not yet been ascertained, it has been confirmed that they are not caused by heating of the tissues.A mobile phone is a two-way radio, as GT-I9300 sends and receives radio signals to and from cell site base stations. When a person talks on a cellular phone, the voice message gets converted into radio waves.dsdfa3DFx

The radio waves travel through air until they reach a base station close by. The base station sends the call across the communication network after which the call reaches the intended receiver. A base station in the vicinity of the mobile phone being called sends radio waves for the receiver's device to detect them. The mobile phone of the receiver converts the signals into voice and the phone call is made.

Base stations that form the telephone network for mobile phones are fitted with microwave antennas and are usually mounted on high structures such as a pole or a tower. They have low powered radio transmitters, which relay communication between the mobile phones and the switch. The I5 MTK6577 connects the call to other subscribers of the same service provider.