Higher prices have helped protect cheap EGO CE4 electronic cigarette revenue-Priceangels.com

12/08/2013 14:53

Electronic cigarettes, or e-cigarettes, are a smoke-free alternative to the traditional paper cigarette. The most basic version, one that could be mistaken for an actual cigarette, is made up of a liquid cartridge attached to a white cylinder containing a battery.The battery heats the liquid into a vapour that the user inhales. Instead of smoking, it’s come to be called “vaping.”
The liquid is a mixture of propylene glycol (a common chemical used in many food products), vegetable glycerin, flavouring and nicotine. The composition can vary greatly by manufacturer.Typical electronic cigarettes range from around $10 for a version that requires replacement liquid cartridges to as much as $70 for a polished wooden model that can be refilled.

Although prices vary, pre-filled liquid cartridges, each lasting about as long as a pack of cigarettes, usually cost a few dollars, and bottles of flavoured e-liquid range from a few dollars to more than $10 depending on size.Approval by the FDA means that a nicotine product, such as a patch or gum, has met standards of safety and effectiveness, said Dr. flj8fFDFd3 

Anne Joseph, a tobacco researcher at the University of Minnesota. For now, CE4 e-cigarettes are in a grey area and are not regulated as tobacco products or medical devices, even though they share similarities with both product categories.“To date, no electronic cigarettes with nicotine or health claims have been authorized by Health Canada,” a spokesperson for the department told CBC News in June.

“As the safety, quality and efficacy of these products remains uncertain, Health Canada continues to advise Canadians not to use electronic cigarettes as they may pose health risks.”Joseph says electronic cigarettes may not be all bad for current tobacco users, with a couple of important caveats: non-smokers shouldn’t start, and e-cigarette consumers should use them only with the goal of quitting.

There’s a lot scientists still don’t know. That includes the actual chemical exposure that users receive compared with traditional smokers’ intake; the way vapourized nicotine is absorbed by the body; and the effects of second-hand vapour.“States and local governments are having to revisit clean indoor air laws, and that’s important for a couple of reasons,” Joseph said. “We don’t know what (e-cigarettes) are emitting into the air.

” She worries that use of e-cigarettes will undermine years of anti-smoking campaigns that have taken cigarettes out of public places.Compared with traditional cigarettes, electronic cigarettes appear to have fewer toxins, but the impact of e-cigarettes on long-term health must be studied, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said in February.

“E-cigarette use is growing rapidly,” Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the CDC, said in a statement at the time. “There is still a lot we don’t know about these products, including whether they will decrease or increase use of traditional cigarettes.”Katie Forster, who has tried to quit smoking with nicotine gum and patches, recently bought an e-cigarette.

“I did a lot of research (about the safety),” said Forster, 26, who works for an accounting firm. “And if I’m picking between a cigarette and (an e-cigarette), it’s the lesser of the two evils for me.”Forster, who said she’ll stick with e-cigarettes until she can quit smoking completely, chose a more elaborate device with a rechargeable battery and a refillable liquid cartridge.

The liquid is available in hundreds of flavours with varying levels of nicotine. It’s those flavours, with appealing names such as Mocha Madness, Cotton Candy, Bourbon, Cowboy and Cuban Supreme, that have been a point of contention for some who worry that teenagers may be enticed. And for now, there is no federal restriction on the sale of e-cigarettes to minors in the U.S.