wholesale android tablets have been characterized by their inability-Priceangels.com

24/08/2013 14:56

The Surface Pro looks like a wholesale android tablets, but using one feels suspiciously like using a laptop computer. Up until now, tablets have been characterized by their inability to run powerful desktop software like Photoshop and Microsoft Office, but that distinction is gone on the Surface Pro—a tablet that can run any Windows software. A tablet but also a general-purpose computer, the Surface Pro is blurring all the lines.
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Are devices like the Surface Pro eventually going to render the PC obsolete? We decided to find out, by using one to do every kind of computing task we could think of—from surfing the web to designing a website. We broke our findings down by the different kinds of PC users that are out there, so find the page that describes you, and discover if your next PC could be a tablet.

The Surface Pro’s got more than enough power for any casual computing need, and as long as you stick to tablet-optimized apps, the experience is excellent. Still, if this is all you’re doing, a cheaper, lighter tablet might be better suited for you.The folks from LG have apparently launched a brand new 7-inch Android tablet in Kore. Only it is made by Samsung and is a rebranded and re-purposed Galaxy Note 3 device. To make more sense out of that title you read above, this is a tablet launched by LG for their own network that’s in Korea.

LG-owned Korean carrier Uplus this week has announced a brand new tablet that will be able to take full advantage of the carriers network, aside from the usual tablet activities. So what device is that. The Homeboy, which is a 7-inch Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 from the sound of things.nyh67SD 

We know they are rivals, in a way, so the news instantly was quite surprising here. Then again, LG has been out of the tablet game for quite a while, although reports have suggested their re-entry into Android tablets later this year.We’ll start, of course, with the cornerstone of the Windows productivity world—Microsoft Office. Although it’s not fully integrated with the tablet interface, Microsoft has clearly spent some effort getting the programs ready for tablet use, with a number of touch-centric features.

If you’re looking for a tablet that can give you access to high-quality productivity tools, the Surface Pro is probably the best choice for you. Other tablets like the iPad offer some decent document-creating power, but they can’t compete with the feature set of the real-deal Office suite.The highlight of the Nexus 7's hardware line-up is its amazing screen. The 8 inch tablet still has a 7in IPS display but the resolution has been cranked from 1280 x 800 pixels to 1920 x 1200, giving it a mammoth pixel density of 323 ppi. The display is simply stunning and without a doubt the best of any 7in tablet around at the moment. Apple will want to get that Retina iPad mini 2 out as soon as possible.

According to the companies, 85% of tablet video viewers multitask when using their tablets, compared to 86% of smartphone video viewers, 87% of computer users, and 97% of TV viewers.At the same time, 57% of tablet users are able to recall a brand that appeared in a video, compared to 49% of smartphone video viewers, 47% of computer viewers, and 45% of TV viewers.What that means is the people staring at their tablet screens are more likely to watch a commercial and remember it.